City of Westfield


The City of Westfield is entrusted with a diverse range of responsibilities to ensure the efficient management and well-being of the community. From overseeing Public Safety and Infrastructure to fostering Economic Development and Urban Planning, the City of Westfield plays a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of life for its residents and fostering a thriving community.

The City of Westfield sought to address its extensive service and operational needs by streamlining municipal operations and integrating various city services into one centralized system.


The City of Westfield faced challenges in effectively managing its various municipal operations and services, as well as in providing streamlined access for residents to report issues and request assistance. With a growing population and increasing demands for city services, there was a pressing need to modernize operations and improve responsiveness to community needs.


eimagine implemented a tailored eCRM (electronic Customer Relationship Management) solution for the City of Westfield, designed to streamline municipal operations and integrate various city services into one centralized system. This included the development of a public portal, providing residents with a user-friendly platform to submit service requests directly to the city, thus eliminating the need for cumbersome processes and improving access to essential services.


The implementation of the eCRM solution and public portal significantly enhanced operational efficiency within the City of Westfield’s service departments. By automating the classification and routing of service requests, the city was able to respond more effectively and swiftly to community needs, thereby improving the overall quality of life for its constituents.